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ITAD Service

IT Asset disposition is the term used to cover services required at the end of an IT asset's lifecycle. With the constant evolution of technology driving businesses to have a heavy replacement cycle, enterprises with old equipment are faced regularly with decisions of whether to refurbish or resell, recycle or dispose, and in need of an economical, secure, and environmental solution to the question of what to do with these obsolete IT assets.

Kaizen specialise in the disposition of IT assets. We are always Innovative Towards Asset Disposition (ITAD), keep the process streamlined, and can offer bespoke solutions tailored to your business’ requirements, at any point along the ITAD process. You'll always receive:


- Best available market prices

- Data destruction certificates

- Final Kaizen rroject report


Try the diagram below for more details on how we keep it economical, secure, and environmental. 


If you have a project ready, or one upcoming... 


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We use secure licensed data erasure software that has been tested, certified, approved, and recommended by 15+ governing bodies and leading organizations around the world. Combined with the ITAD process being carried out within Kaizen’s controlled data security area, in the monitored HQ, Kaizen can ensure all necessary security standards are upheld and an organisation's requirements are met. MORE


With a higher conversion rate on broken kit than other ITADs, lower costs, and a wide range of sales channels, we can maximise the returns on your projects. MORE


We aim to reuse all obsolete IT assets provided, through refurbishment in our integration centre, and remarketing through the optimum sales channel for each asset. Should assets emerge from the process with no remarketable value, we have the capability to meet the standards in the WEEE directive and recycle. MORE

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